#Introduction thread 2/n (I have **lots** of interests):
Before that #ScientificComputing / #HighPerformanceComputing (#PlasmaPhysics, #Crystallography, #Ecology), and #ComputationalGeometry / #GraphTheory.
Plus a hobby interest in #CreativeComputing + #GameDev.
#Introduction thread 4/n (I have **lots** of interests):
Recreationally, I am huge non-denominational nerd (#ScienceFiction / #SciFi / #Fantasy / #Dragons / #Spaceships / #Tolkien / #StarWars / #StarTrek / #MarvelComics), when it comes to media consumption (#Books / TV / Movies) and media creation (esp. #Lego).
Also enjoy #UltimateFrisbee, #RockClimbing (primarily indoor/gym top-roping), #Hiking, #Canoeing, and #Foraging.
Political Compass Introduction
#Introduction thread 5/n (I have **lots** of interests):
I eschew labels in politics these days, but center bottom on the currently popular "Political Compass", center-top on the old-school Nolan charts.
#Introduction thread 3/n (I have **lots** of interests):
Professionally, I am #Startup founder / #Entrepreneur, and previously founded + server on the board of an #EnergyPolicy #Nonprofit that advocated for local (VT) energy independence in the home heating sector via #biomass energy, both through advocacy with state + local government, and through transitioning low-income families to affordable + sustainable heating.