I shall say, “authwalled Twitter” was not on my bingo card this week.

@madcoder kinda happy for a reason to stop going there and hate-surfing the fucking abysmally bad content, tbh

@steve @regehr @madcoder Steve twitter's dead, Reddit's dead, masto's empty, Instagram is too painful, I'm browsing LinkedIn out of desperation please have mercy

@elfprince13 @madcoder @dev @steve not that anyone asked but I'm avoiding it on the "almost certainly another twitter" principle

@regehr @dev @madcoder @steve it’s technically much closer to Mastodon than Twitter, in that it’s federated and open source - but is designed with some nice features to allow better algorithmic discovery and account portability


@madcoder @steve @dev @regehr @overstrike it’s supported at protocol level, the server is open source, the client already supports arbitrary servers, and they just spun up a test net for federation

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