I consciously accept the reality that it is virtually impossible to build a new web browser due to the scale of historical baggage and standards politicking that affect the web today, but deep down inside I’m still surprised there aren’t more vibrant alt-browser projects. It must be one of the highest impact things we (oss devs) could work on.


@acowley it was basically over when Opera packed it in and became a Chromium clone

· · Web · 1 · 0 · 1

@elfprince13 I use Safari and Firefox 99.9% of the time, so I don’t think it’s over yet. Opera giving up was evidence that you can’t easily make money from a browser, but I think/hope/want to believe a web browser could be a foundational common good type thing like Linux.

@acowley Keep in mind that Chromium was a WebKit fork was a KHTML fork ;)

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