I don't want to talk about Aldean's "Small town" lyrics or video.
I do want to point out (again) that the homicide rate in GOP "small town" counties, is higher than that in Dem "big town" counties. 🤡
A white person in a red county has about as much chance of being shot as a Black person in a blue county.🤡
(I don't know how much you know about crime in the USA, but if you have as much risk of being a victim of anything as Black people? That's not good).
I once had a very strange argument with a coworker on this subject. I told him about how I spent some time in Detroit in 2009 or 2010, and he insisted that it was super dangerous and I could have been killed.
Explaining that I have literally never been in any kind of immediate physical danger the entire time I was there, despite being homeless, seemed to have no effect.
It made no difference that this white coworker had never set foot in Detroit in his life.
@alter_kaker @mekkaokereke I sometimes wonder if people need their imagined fears to be real because the alternative is admitting that they’ve spent their lives afraid for no reason at all, and that would be so much worse.
@mhoye @alter_kaker @mekkaokereke I think part of it is that there are things it would be reasonable for them to be afraid of (eg climate change), but they don't want to be afraid of that, for whatever reason, and the fear has to go somewhere
@patsytheshark @mhoye @alter_kaker @mekkaokereke they're afraid of cities because they have been conditioned to think that cities are lawless places overrun with rampaging POC. Which is BS but that's the racist BS basis.
@AmandaWeaver @rlux @patsytheshark @mhoye @alter_kaker @mekkaokereke I have had some WEIRD-ASS unsettling encounters riding MTA, but no more than I have riding small town bus services.