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I probably could have been more eloquent at expressing this. I was also having a lot of feelings and just wanted to quickly get those feelings into words before going to sleep.

I assume for some reason this led to folks digging into my past and finding the post about the NSA interview which mentioned a fun math puzzle. I maintain that this was the coolest interview question I ever had to answer, even though I'm also glad I didn't go work for the NSA. My research in undergraduate was in elliptic curve cryptology, and pretty much everyone around me interviewed with or went to work for the NSA; among math majors at Maryland in the pre-Snowden days, this was considered a prestigious and honorable thing to do. That sounds incredibly weird to me in retrospect, but it's also true.

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In particular, I wonder whether it would make sense for Mastodon servers to allow you to subscribe directly to RSS feeds or boost/bookmark posts from RSS feeds. AP and RSS aren't the same, and two way comms like replies couldn't work, but probably there's some way to do a mapping that makes sense.

I'm not on the RSS train in general, I've never managed to make it a useful part of my life, but established news sources seem much more willing to set up a passive RSS feed than join the Fediverse.

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The toddler and I have been spending 5 minutes each morning screeching on the deck after jogging and the neighborhood hawk flies over to screech back and look confused that someone is talking to her even though she doesn’t recognize any other hawks in the vicinity.

Incoming Transport. Incoming Transport. Incoming Transport. 🥺

What a gut-wrenching episode of

"oh hey what the hell"

bathroom's closed; wasp photoshoot


*reviewing my settings and lowering ISO* bathroom's closed. wasp photoshoot.

And uh, just want to say....MFing nailed it unless they absolute flub the landing on pacing this season.

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Not sure if we're doing tin-foil here or not, but when they announced it, I assumed that Season 1 would be “The Mayors” with flashbacks to “The Encyclopedists” and “The Psychohistorians”; Season 2 would be an amalgam of “The Traders”, “The Merchant Princes”, and “The General”; and Seasons 3 and 4 would be some subdivision of “The Mule”, “Search by the Mule”, and “Search by the Foundation”.

Illiterate Illiterate
Leftists Righties

Everyone We
Don’t Like Is A

@acowley Keep in mind that Chromium was a WebKit fork was a KHTML fork ;)

@AmandaWeaver @rlux @patsytheshark @mhoye @alter_kaker @mekkaokereke I have had some WEIRD-ASS unsettling encounters riding MTA, but no more than I have riding small town bus services.

@acowley it was basically over when Opera packed it in and became a Chromium clone


And a vacancy tax on domain speculators.

Or just a special tax on the company that snagged my domain when I couldn't afford to renew it for a while and now wants thousands of dollars to give it back.

fun figure showing that 4 fuzzers find mostly totally different bugs when used to test a compiler. alas this seems to be what usually happens. what I take away is that fuzzers are only scratching the surface of the actual pool of bugs.

(also just a note that I'll try to never post a link to a paper where the PDF isn't freely available. let me know if I screw that up)

@mekkaokereke @oscarjiminy @carnage4life Probably the closest thing to a literal Faustian Bargain we will ever see in our lifetimes.

@mekkaokereke @oscarjiminy @carnage4life I mostly agree with this - but as someone close to US Evangelical culture, there was a REAL swing between 2016 and 2020. In 2016, Evangelicals were Trump's *weakest* constituency among GOP, and everyone I talked to either voted 3rd party or viewed it as a "lesser of 2 evils to get Pence as VP and FedSoc Supreme Court picks". In 2020....Trump was basically viewed as a savior and Pence was viewed as a traitor to the cause...

Only dropping that know “Brick Break” in the NY gyms like some kind of monster

Making daylily fizz and not having boiled them before myself I assumed the references to ending up with purple dye must be talking about some other cultivar because this was wild.

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