I probably could have been more eloquent at expressing this. I was also having a lot of feelings and just wanted to quickly get those feelings into words before going to sleep.
I assume for some reason this led to folks digging into my past and finding the post about the NSA interview which mentioned a fun math puzzle. I maintain that this was the coolest interview question I ever had to answer, even though I'm also glad I didn't go work for the NSA. My research in undergraduate was in elliptic curve cryptology, and pretty much everyone around me interviewed with or went to work for the NSA; among math majors at Maryland in the pre-Snowden days, this was considered a prestigious and honorable thing to do. That sounds incredibly weird to me in retrospect, but it's also true.
In particular, I wonder whether it would make sense for Mastodon servers to allow you to subscribe directly to RSS feeds or boost/bookmark posts from RSS feeds. AP and RSS aren't the same, and two way comms like replies couldn't work, but probably there's some way to do a mapping that makes sense.
I'm not on the RSS train in general, I've never managed to make it a useful part of my life, but established news sources seem much more willing to set up a passive RSS feed than join the Fediverse.
Incoming Transport. Incoming Transport. Incoming Transport. 🥺
What a gut-wrenching episode of #StarTrek
And uh, just want to say....MFing nailed it unless they absolute flub the landing on pacing this season.
Not sure if we're doing #Foundation tin-foil here or not, but when they announced it, I assumed that Season 1 would be “The Mayors” with flashbacks to “The Encyclopedists” and “The Psychohistorians”; Season 2 would be an amalgam of “The Traders”, “The Merchant Princes”, and “The General”; and Seasons 3 and 4 would be some subdivision of “The Mule”, “Search by the Mule”, and “Search by the Foundation”.
@acowley Keep in mind that Chromium was a WebKit fork was a KHTML fork ;)
@AmandaWeaver @rlux @patsytheshark @mhoye @alter_kaker @mekkaokereke I have had some WEIRD-ASS unsettling encounters riding MTA, but no more than I have riding small town bus services.
@acowley it was basically over when Opera packed it in and became a Chromium clone
And a vacancy tax on domain speculators.
Or just a special tax on the company that snagged my domain when I couldn't afford to renew it for a while and now wants thousands of dollars to give it back.
fun figure showing that 4 fuzzers find mostly totally different bugs when used to test a compiler. alas this seems to be what usually happens. what I take away is that fuzzers are only scratching the surface of the actual pool of bugs.
(also just a note that I'll try to never post a link to a paper where the PDF isn't freely available. let me know if I screw that up)
@mekkaokereke @oscarjiminy @carnage4life Probably the closest thing to a literal Faustian Bargain we will ever see in our lifetimes.
@mekkaokereke @oscarjiminy @carnage4life I mostly agree with this - but as someone close to US Evangelical culture, there was a REAL swing between 2016 and 2020. In 2016, Evangelicals were Trump's *weakest* constituency among GOP, and everyone I talked to either voted 3rd party or viewed it as a "lesser of 2 evils to get Pence as VP and FedSoc Supreme Court picks". In 2020....Trump was basically viewed as a savior and Pence was viewed as a traitor to the cause...
co-Founder // Chief Science Officer at @geopipe (🖖🏻), PhD from Brown CS Dept (w/ @maurice), SMCVT alum (Math/Physics/CS), admin at Cemetech, AFOL & open-theist.
Decentralizing systems (human & digital). Opinions are my own.
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